【2024年12月19號到期】Natural Balance 肥貓糧6LB

特價 HK$200.00 一般價格 HK$275.00
Quick Overview

Fat Cats 低熱量配方乾貓糧為減肥計劃中的貓提供完整、均衡的膳食。配方採用優質蛋白質和大量富含纖維的蔬菜製成,易於消化,讓貓咪在攝取較少熱量的情況下感到飽足,從而幫助安全地減掉多餘的體重。



Natural Balance 肥貓糧

Natural Balance Fat Cat Food


  1. 特別配製高蛋白但熱量較少,可幫助超重的狗狗產生飽足感
  2. 鷹嘴豆、豌豆、乾甜菜漿和燕麥片提供高水平的纖維,以實現最佳消化
  3. 精心設計,提供完整、均衡的營養,在成犬減肥期間滋養其健康和福祉
  4. 必需的維生素和礦物質有助於支持健康的皮膚和皮毛
  5. 我們有目的、有針對性的食譜可在不犧牲口味的情況下帶來積極的結果

Fat Cats Low Calorie Formula Dry Cat Food provides a complete, balanced meal for cats on a weight loss plan. Made with high-quality protein and plenty of fiber-rich vegetables, the formula is easy to digest and helps cats lose excess weight safely by keeping them feeling full while consuming fewer calories.

  1. Specially formulated to be high in protein but low in calories to help overweight dogs feel full
  2. Chickpeas, peas, dried beet pulp and oatmeal provide high levels of fiber for optimal digestion
  3. Carefully designed to provide complete, balanced nutrition to nourish the health and well-being of adult dogs during their weight loss period
  4. Essential vitamins and minerals help support healthy skin and coat
  5. Our purposeful, targeted recipes deliver positive results without sacrificing taste

Ingredients 成分

雞肉粉、鮭魚粉、豌豆蛋白、鷹嘴豆、豌豆、燕麥片、乾甜菜漿、豌豆纖維、脫水苜蓿粉、燕麥殼、天然香料、乾番茄渣、雞肉脂肪(用混合生育酚和乳酸保存) 、啤酒乾酵母、鮭魚油(混合生育酚保存)、乾蛋、胡蘿蔔、歐芹、乾菠菜、氯化膽鹼、鹽、維生素(L-抗壞血酸-2-多磷酸鹽、維生素E 補充劑、煙酸、單硝酸硫胺素、維生素A 補充劑、鹽酸吡哆醇、D-泛酸鈣、核黃素補充劑、維生素D3 補充劑、葉酸、肌醇、生物素、維生素B12 補充劑)、礦物質(蛋白鋅、硫酸鋅、硫酸亞鐵、蛋白鐵、硫酸銅、蛋白銅、硫酸錳) 、蛋白錳、碘酸鈣、亞硒酸鈉)、菊粉、牛磺酸、Dl-蛋胺酸、L-抗壞血酸-2-聚磷酸鹽(維生素C 來源)、L-肉鹼、L-賴氨酸單鹽酸鹽、絲蘭萃取物、檸檬酸、混合生育酚、迷迭香萃取物

Chicken meal, salmon meal, pea protein, chickpeas, peas, rolled oats, dried beet pulp, pea fiber, dehydrated alfalfa meal, oat husks, natural flavors, dried tomato pomace, chicken fat (preserved with mixed tocopherols and lactic acid) , beer dry yeast, salmon oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), dried eggs, carrots, parsley, dried spinach, choline chloride, salt, vitamins (L-ascorbic acid-2-polyphosphate, vitamin E supplement, tobacco acid, thiamine mononitrate, vitamin A supplement, pyridoxine hydrochloride, calcium D-pantothenate, riboflavin supplement, vitamin D3 supplement, folic acid, inositol, biotin, vitamin B12 supplement), minerals (Zinc protein, zinc sulfate, ferrous sulfate, iron protein, copper sulfate, copper protein, manganese sulfate), manganese protein, calcium iodate, sodium selenite), inulin, taurine, Dl-methionine, L-Ascorbic acid-2-polyphosphate (source of vitamin C), L-carnitine, L-lysine monohydrochloride, yucca extract, citric acid, mixed tocopherols, rosemary extract



Crude Protein粗蛋白質35.0% Min.
Crude Fat粗脂肪9.5% Min.
Crude Fiber粗纖維9.5% Max.
Moisture水份10.0% Max.
Taurine 鋅0.15% Min.
Omega-6 Fatty Acids*1.5% Min.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids*0.25% Min.

熱量: 3200 kcal/kg, 320 kcal/ cup


Directions for Use 使用方法

Weight of Adult Cat (lb)Cups* per Day
8-10UP to 1/2cup



當改變寵物的飲食時,我們建議在 7-10 天內逐漸進行。每 2-3 天用新飲食取代 25% 的當前飲食,直到完全轉變。
1.Best seller
Flavour 味道Barley 大麥, Chicken 雞肉, Chickpeas 鷹嘴豆, Pea 豌豆, Salmon 三文魚, Taurine 牛磺酸
Special Diet 飲食配方Skin Care 皮毛護理, Weight Control 控制體重
Pet Type 寵物類型All Life Stages Cat 全年齡貓
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